Monday, February 27, 2012

Pics of the last few weeks...

Hello Everyone... mommy will do much better at posting pics every week :)

 Rocking it in my puma jumpsuit.

Rio's friend Morgan, who will teach him how to be cool and tough.

We saw these red Disney Cars boots and could not resist! 

 Big boy holding up his baba with Auntie Jess.

 Just chilling... Yes, Pedro is allowing Bella in his man cave while he guards a treasure.

Go Seahawks!

 Sorry ladies, my mommies say I cannot date seriously until I am 21.

 Mommy puts me on my back for naps but now I like to always turn over on my tummy. It makes her nervous, so even though she has tons to do while I nap, she gets stuff done in my room so she can keep her eye on me :)

 My big brother Parker who always tells me he is going to teach me karate, football, baseball, and how to be a ninja!

 Love my Auntie Ash!

This was the face my mommy got to wake up to.

Rio has been doing great. We took him on his first plane ride to Phoenix last weekend. We were very nervous but it went well and it was nice to get out of the cold weather for the weekend. The first night Rio woke up every hour crying. Thankfully, we did not have an early game that morning! We found out that you should not only feed him or give him a paci during take off, but also during the decent. We thought we were in the clear by feeding him as we were leaving but were sorely mistaken! Look forward to applying this little trick when we go visit Court and the kiddies in a few weeks. A bit stressed to take Rio on a plan by myself for four hours. I plan on bringing lots of little toys and stocking up on bottles for the ride. It will be a fun story to tell :)