Monday, April 23, 2012

7 Month Stats

 Rio's personality has really started to come out this last month. He is a very chill baby.
 Just hanging out with Auntie Ash
 We get this face all the time.
 Baby model :)
 I love my mommies!
 Drink Vita Coconut water... it's the best!
 Rio adores Bella. Bella lets him hang out by her side, pull her tail, squeeze her ears, pinch her nose, and smack her face. She loves the attention!
 Happy Easter! 
 Love you Noni and Popi.
 I went out of the room for two seconds, and this is what I find when I come back. I immediately dropped the pac and play mattress to the bottom. Ahhh, he is growing up too fast!
Started eating my veggies.. organic of course :)

These last couple of months have been so fun watching Rio reach his little milestones. He is going to be a very active little boy! He has been crawling everywhere for the last few weeks. It started with a lunge about a month ago and he has not stopped since. He does a very impressive army crawl- occasionally he will get on his hands and knees, but since he has mastered getting around on his hands and legs, he is content with just that. Here are some little stats about our boy:
-Started calling him smiley because he always has a huge grin on his face.
-Loves all the dogs. Bella is his buddy, Lolita tolerates him, and Pedro is indifferent. 
-Can lift himself up on objects.
-Will wake up in the morning and just talk to himself until his mommy is ready to get up :)
-Enjoys getting a bunch of attention from his Mommy's soccer players and moms on the team.
-Gets super excited when RJ and Parker come over to play. They treat him like a little brother- sing to him, read to him, and hold him.
-Recognizes his name, and thinks when his Mommy says Hi in a funny voice, it is the most hilarious thing ever.
-Does a pretty good job eating his rice cereal morning and night.
-Fake coughs
-Does not like to be on his back- especially when his diaper needs to be changed.
-Loves taking baths while splashing himself, and swimming from one end to the other, moving his legs like a frog.
-Occasionally still sucks his thumb. I love it, Gabe is not a big fan.
Our boy is doing great. We are really enjoying this time with him as his curiosity is growing, and world is getting more interesting.