Saturday, February 23, 2013

SLC Fall Arts Festival

Fall 2012

We went to the Arts Festival in SLC with our buddies Chelsey and Darcie. It was a blast. I got Gabe a really cool colored bracelet that says RIVER from a family who makes handmade bracelets with personal names. I was pretty positive they would not have Rio but when I saw River I went nuts. We really enjoy taking Rio out together as a family. It is funny to watch him people watch as he gets older. I love the diversity of Salt Lake City and all the community activities they have year round. We have found our home.

LIttle Gym Class

November 2012

Tuesdays are one of my favorite days of the week because we get to take Rio to his Little Gym Birds class. He loves it and enjoys going every week. His teacher Miss Alli is an amazing instructor and is so cute with Rio. He still is not walking yet but gets around fine with his speed crawling from obstacle to obstacle. We love watching our little man!

Emigration Hike

October 2012

It was a gorgeous day so we decided to head up to Emigration Canyon to explore and go on a hike. There are so many great hikes in Salt Lake City. We both want to raise Rio in nature as much as possible- to take advantage of all the outdoor beauties UT gives us. Rio was not too happy with this hike. It was a bit windy and his mommies were a little camera happy. These are the best shots we got. The views were absolutely gorgeous. I love Utah.


October 2012

 Superman by day and Spiderman by night

 Gabe dressed up as a referee for their U of U Halloween dress up practice.


 I remembered I had a tie dye in the garage so I could join in the fun.

 Chubby Bubby

 Can you guess who this stud is?

 The clan we were suppose to go trick or treating with.

For Halloween we planned on meeting up with Jess, Justin and the boys but Rio fell asleep as we were about to head down. It was super funny. We found this adorable spiderman costume. Gabe really wanted him to be a super hero and I really wanted him to be Elmo or a Lion. We put the three costumes on the ground and let Rio decide. He went straight to the Spiderman one. It is my turn next year :)