Saturday, February 23, 2013


October 2012

 Superman by day and Spiderman by night

 Gabe dressed up as a referee for their U of U Halloween dress up practice.


 I remembered I had a tie dye in the garage so I could join in the fun.

 Chubby Bubby

 Can you guess who this stud is?

 The clan we were suppose to go trick or treating with.

For Halloween we planned on meeting up with Jess, Justin and the boys but Rio fell asleep as we were about to head down. It was super funny. We found this adorable spiderman costume. Gabe really wanted him to be a super hero and I really wanted him to be Elmo or a Lion. We put the three costumes on the ground and let Rio decide. He went straight to the Spiderman one. It is my turn next year :)

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