Thursday, April 18, 2013

Blast From The Past... Fall Fun 2012

There a few special firsts in here for RioMio

 Rio adores his buddy Jackson. He is a brother of one of the girl's on my team. Rio loves hanging out with boys anytime he gets a chance!

 Rio's 1st blood. This was when Rio was first learning how to walk... he lost his balance and face planted on the island kitchen shelves. We both freaked out. So thankful he did not lose an eye!

 Thanks for the hat Auntie Lore and Uncle Dusty!

 Rio's 1st leaves pile.

 Rio's 1st football. Thanks Auntie Lore and Uncle Dusty (for the skeleton jacket too!). Don't get any ideas Dad! The only football he will be playing is pronounced futbol :)

 Silly Boy

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