Thursday, October 17, 2013

Home Sweet Home

March '13

 Rio and RJ hanging.

 Bella is always somehow able to snuggle herself in the most oddest places. The chair rocks with just a slight touch, so I am always impressed whenever I find her in it. Love her.

 Backyardigans pleeeease!

 Bella loves loves loves peanut butter, but unfortunately she is allergic to it. Whenever I am making rice cakes or PB&Js, she comes and sits right by my side expecting a little taste. So sad!


Some of the best days of mine are spent at home. I love being warm at home with the dogs, Rio, and Gabe. I try to plan fun activities for Rio and keep a somewhat consistent routine for him but sometimes I just like to curl up with a book and let Rio curl up with the Kindle :)

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