Monday, June 17, 2013

California Trip November '12

Knotts Berry Farm

 Rio is at a kissing phase and we LOVE it!

 Done breastfeeding!! First drink in over 2 years :) Happy Camper!!

 They had a ton of cute little shops and copy cat buildings- reminded me a lot of Busch Gardens.

 Stinky Eye!

Rio is basically done at this point hearing me shout trying to get him to look at the camera... Riooooo, heya, heya!!

 We sat and watched a cute little Christmas play the Charlie Brown clan put on. Rio was enthralled.

 Classic Rio face.

 I had to get a picture in front of one of the gorgeous x-mas trees they had everywhere.

 Rio, your so special they name trains after you :)

For Thanksgiving, we went to California for my 97's soccer tournament. We have done this for the last 4 years. Every year we are able to spend time with Gabe's Uncle Roy and Grandma Ruth. It is a blast! This year, we took Rio to Knotts Berry Farm. We wrestled with the idea of taking him to Disney land but agreed not until he is done taking naps and can walk by himself for more than 10 minutes without whining for us to hold him :)

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