Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Gabe!

February 2013
 Gabe's first beer in a couple years since she figured out she was gluten intolerant. You cannot tell from the picture but this bottle was huge! Court if you ever want a beer, we found one you can have... Lol!!

 Gabe got some amazing gifts from good friends... sweet sunglasses, a kindle, and an adorable little tea pot.


 Kenzie trying not to photobomb- haha

Aquarius- The Water Carrier 
Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

Chelsey reserved us a table at the moon. The moon is a gay bar in slc. It was so fun and it was nice to have everyone come- gay or straight!

For Gabe's birthday we had a little get together at Fiddler's Elbow in Sugarhouse and then went to the Moon to party!!! Lol.. We were so lucky to have Ashton, Todd, Paige, and Hunter watch our Rio. I am so thankful that Gabrielle was born. She is the most amazing partner, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Everyday, I learn something new from her and fall more in love. She works extremely hard for our family and I am immensely grateful to have her in my life.
Happy 37th babe!

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