Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Phoenix Trip Part ll

April 2013
 One of the adorable parks we went to while visiting Courtney in Phoenix. It was a concrete splash pad park. Rio was not really into it but Mia and Ben loved it. One day Rio will love the water!

 Gaining his independence @ 19 months.

 Rio loved following Mia around the playgroud. I think he was very impressed with her playground climbing skills for such a young age.

 One of Rio's favorites.

 Poor guy gets super rosy red cheeks like his Momma Meg when it gets warm outside.

 Best idea ever. Next x-mas we will be getting one!

 Rocking the pony. Sometimes I can distract Rio into letting me put his hair in a pony tail. I love it, Gabe not so much ;)

 Wants to be just like his big boy cousin Hinckley.

 Cannot wait to show Mia this pic when she gets older- my first photo bomb pic! Feel so cool.

 Ben and Rio hung out a lot during this trip. It was so adorable to see. Ben is amazing with Rio. 

 They could pass as brothers!

“A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” -Unknown

 Sweet Auntie Chichi trying to show Rio how fun the water can be with water toys. 

 Rio was having plenty of fun just watching his cousins play in the water. 

Too cute.

 Rio kept whining to go inside.

 And this is what happened every time I let him go in.

 Courtney doing my hair is a must anytime I come to visit. It feels so good and she is amazing at it!

 Good morning!

 Rio loved playing on Court's piano. I always wanted a piano in my home for my children to play. It is a beautiful instrument. 

 Uh-oh taking after his Momma Meg!

 All boy these two. Hinckley showed Rio how to dig and then fill in the holes. I don't know what game they were playing but all the kids started playing. Nothing better then to watch kids play together and use their imaginations.

 “Cousins are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.” 
~ Ed Cunningham

 Where's Rio!?

My boy.

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