Sunday, March 2, 2014

Washington Trip Part l

July 2013

 Fourth of July fireworks

 Rio was a bit unsure of the fireworks. He would not let Gabe put him down.

 The "look" from Dylan the teenager :)

 Watching Wenatchee fireworks off the balcony. We had an amazing view.

 It was completely dark when I was taking the pics during fireworks, so I never knew what I was going to get.

 On our way to WA, we stopped at the Columbia River to throw some rocks and take a dip. Gabe jumped in, not me! Next time.

 Rio and his MomG

 Rio playing with his new baby cousin Cali. He was so gentle with her while Uncle Dustin encouraged him.

 The boy cousins hanging out.

 Adria's ballet skills.

 Before we made it to Wenatchee to see family, I had a soccer tournament with my Avalanche 97 team in Tacoma. The timing worked out perfect. 

 Figuring out I have a belly button on my tummy.

 Downtown Seattle Market

 I was pretty hot and exhausted. Smiled as best I could! 

 This guy was amazing.

 Snuggles with Auntie Dia.

Rio was all about cousin Dallin. It was so cute to watch. Rio would not leave his side and always wanted Dallin to pick him up so he could give him kisses.

We love our Washington trips that we are able to make a couple times a year. It is so relaxing and we look forward to them every time. They are incredibly special now, as Rio is getting older and developing a bond with all his cousins.

1 comment:

  1. Whoever Auntie Dia is looks JUST like gabe in these pictures!!!!! I thought it was gabe!! haha I love the video of Rio hanging with the boy cousin! The cousin is looking at him like "you are a wild child" hahahah
