Monday, January 23, 2012

Pics of the week...
 Think I'm cute, you should see my mommies!
 Not easily impressed
 I have found it easier to take the dogs on a walk with Rio in his Bjorn, rather than in the stroller.
 Rio loves his MomG. When she comes home from work, he will rest his head on her shoulder and either fall asleep or just hang out. So sweet!
 Afternoon nap in the sun's rays.
 Rio's nap in the morning lasts for 45min. Super short but when I put my mind to it, there is a lot I can get done.
 Best Buds!
 Will sing for milk
Wazz up

This past week has been great. Rio is growing so fast! We weighed him last night and he is fifteen pounds!! He is starting to smile more and recognize his mommies when he is with other people. It makes us feel really good :) Rio lets other people hold him and enjoys watching the dogs play all day long. His buddies RJ and Parker come over to play and he gets super excited when they pay attention to him and sing songs. Rio has been honing in to his rolling over and sitting up skills. He wants to crawl so bad. During tummy time, he moves his legs so fast and puts his head down like he wants to charge. He gets quite frustrated that nothing is happening- super funny. Will post videos soon.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pics of the Week...
Cannot get enough of this boy's cheeks!

 Chillin in my man booties.

 What are you looking at

 I know this is blurry but had to post a pic with Rio in his scottish hat.
 I'm not ready for a nap.
 Party Pants.
 Chubby bubby.
 I sure love my mommies.
 I'm not ready to wake up.
 Handsome boy in his adorable sweater Auntie Laura got.
Holla if you hear me.

Rio is growing up SO fast! He is holding up his head so well during tummy time and while we hold him. He can now roll over and is starting to laugh. We bought him a bumble which helps him to sit up and work on his back and neck muscles. At this time we are trying to get him on a daily nap schedule. Some days are better than others. I guess consistency is the key. I am very grateful he is sleeping 8-9 hours through the night. Thought that day would never come!! Unfortunately, he does not sleep good when I drink coffee- even decaffeinated. I guess I can give it up until he is done nursing :) I will post videos soon.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy 22nd Birthday Ashtonia!!

Wow! I cannot believe my little Ash is 22. Time flies when you are the big sis. Here is a little list of what makes Ashton so amazing. 

10- Heart of gold. Ashton is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. She is the first person to make you feel welcome and would lend someone an arm or a leg if they needed it.
9-Sense of Humor. As you can see from the videos, she is hilarious. I always look forward to her visits because of the funny stories she shares. 
8- Creativity. Ashton is an amazing artist. I have a folder full of pics she drew growing up that I still look at today. My home is also full of her paintings, drawings and awe inspiring collages.
7- Style. Ashton has always been a great dresser. She accessorizes her attire so well. I always want to take pics of her to scrapbook. Look how she is rocking the pink jump suit. Love it!
6- Sister Bear. She would do anything for her siblings. Growing up, I remember how loving Ash was to all of us. I have great memories of Ashton playing games with Todd, Paige, and Hunter all day. 
5- Acceptance. Ashton is very down to earth and is open to all different lifestyles and beliefs. From day one she has loved Gabe and welcomed her as part of our family. This has meant so much to me, she will never know.
4- Athleticism. This girl can run, jump, hop, skip, shoot, throw and kick circles around people. I am so amazed at her athletic abilities. If she chose to pursue a college sport, she could have received a basketball or soccer scholarship somewhere if she really wanted.
3- Enthusiasm. Ashton is passionate about whatever she puts her hand to. She gives her heart and soul to her family, friends, religion, animals, and anyone who is in need. 
2- Beauty. There is this glow that surrounds Ashton wherever she goes. I think there are only a few people on this earth that have it. It is a glow that eludes from those who are beautiful not only on the outside, but on the inside too. 
1- Cheerfulness. There has never been a time when I have seen Ashton in a bad mood. I am sure she has had bad days but when she is in the presence of others, she leaves it at the door. This is what truly makes Ashton one of a kind. Rather then bring bad energy or any ounce of negativity, she puts others first and herself second. She listens with an open heart and mind to everyone that has the pleasure of being in her presence. 
Ashton Tilton Dickerson, we all love you so much and are the most fortunate siblings in the world to have you as a sister. You make life worth living and I hope you know how special this day is to all of us. Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear Rio,
Your mommies love you so much. I want you to know we will never abandon you or make you feel less than. We will never love you any less if you choose to go down a different path we had hoped for. We will be proud of your independence and strength to dance to the beat of a different drummer. Our love is unconditional for you no matter what. We will always be there for you and you will know it every second of every day. There will be times when we do not agree with your decisions and our hearts may break, but we will stand by your side and bend down for you to lean on our shoulders. We are not just in this from the day you were born until the day you leave us for your own adventures, but for life. You will always be under our wings until the day we die. We love you Rio Gordan Smart.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blast from the past.. Christmas break.
 Rio's buddy Rj @ his Challenger Christmas performance.
 Rio's other good buddy Parker

 Rio's supernatural x-mas photo

 Check out that hair! Little stud.
 Noni and Popi got Rio this awesome santa suit.
 Popi and Noni also got us these fun santa pajama pants. Don't you love our Charlie Brown x-mas tree.. We have had it for 7 years! Still practicing the lessons of Dave Ramsey :)
Bella enjoying a x-mas bone.

Christmas was nice and relaxing for us. It was very exciting to start our own family traditions with Rio. Gabe had mono and was not able to go to Florida with her '96 soccer team. It was definitely bitter sweet for me. I hated seeing her sick but it was nice having her home!
Blast from the past.. Thanksgiving Break.

 Rio loves his booties and hat from Auntie LouAnn.
 Rio was able to meet his Papa Berg before we headed down to California for Thanksgiving.
 Papa could not stop looking at Rio. It was adorable!
 Was so happy I was able to see my cousins Erin and Timmy and Aunt LouAnn. Miss them!

 Great Gma Ruth.
 Uncle Roy.
 Miss Bella was so happy that Ashton was going to come and babysit them for Thanksgiving Break.
 Lolita was pretty sad as this would be her first time away from her buddy Rio.
 Pedro did not care how long we were gone as long as he had a treasure!

For Thanksgiving we drove down to California for a soccer tournament my 97s and Gabe's 98s participated in. We stayed in Vegas on the way down and way back because we thought it would be easier on Rio. Smart decision! Rio was a champ on the way down and slept the entire way to Vegas. We  only had to stop a couple of times on the way back for some feedings. We were also able to go see Gabe's Uncle Roy and Grandma Ruth. Roy made us an amazing feast and it was quite nice to have Thanksgiving dinner with family and not on the road. Ashton and Paige house/dog sat for us while we were gone. We are SO thankful for them! The dogs all adore them and we know they are safe and happy. Trips are so less stressful when we know our little stinkers are in good hands.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blast from the past.. Halloween.
 Fall Family photo @ Thanksgiving Point.
 My 97s Halloween photo. If you are wondering, the girl on the far right came as a Utah polygamist.
 Our little skeleton.
 Rj makes a great dinosaur!

 Best Buds!
 Our handsome bear.

I cannot wait for when Rio is older and will enjoy dressing up. It was nice being able to take Rio trick or treating with our friends for his very first Halloween even if he slept through the whole thing.