Monday, January 9, 2012

Blast from the past.. Christmas break.
 Rio's buddy Rj @ his Challenger Christmas performance.
 Rio's other good buddy Parker

 Rio's supernatural x-mas photo

 Check out that hair! Little stud.
 Noni and Popi got Rio this awesome santa suit.
 Popi and Noni also got us these fun santa pajama pants. Don't you love our Charlie Brown x-mas tree.. We have had it for 7 years! Still practicing the lessons of Dave Ramsey :)
Bella enjoying a x-mas bone.

Christmas was nice and relaxing for us. It was very exciting to start our own family traditions with Rio. Gabe had mono and was not able to go to Florida with her '96 soccer team. It was definitely bitter sweet for me. I hated seeing her sick but it was nice having her home!

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