Monday, October 15, 2012

Blast From the Past... Miss Bella

Bella with her best bud Coheo... RIP
This does not happen that often to have Bella and Lolita in the same room, let alone on the same pillow! Bella loves to curl up in her little Bellaball.

Cute pic of the dogs and great pic of me :)
Our little clan... 2009 flashback.

Ashton took about 20 pictures and this was the best one... 
At the Smart homestead in WA.
Too cute. Bella was so little when we first got her. Now she is a 55 pounder!

Pit bulls are... Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man, without his Vices. " -Unknown
Bella is amazing on walks. Rain or snow she is up for anything. We would both bundle up and hit the streets. She still has her own little boots for the snow season.  
My two sweeties.
This was the first day we brought Bella home. She loved the grass!

Bella looks soo skinny in the picture next to the little fatties Pedro & Lolita :)
Best buds

I wanted to post some older pictures of our sweet Bella. Since Rio's birth, she has been amazing with him. She likes to hang out with Rio and follow him wherever he goes. Rio will smack Bella, pull her ears, swat her nose, and hang on her collar non-stop. Bella just takes it- she appears like she actually enjoys the attention. We are so lucky to have her in our life. Bella is an example of pure courageousness. Not only can she not see, but she has 1-2 seizures a week and still wakes up every morning ready to take on another day. Whether we are on a walk, hanging out in the house, or exploring in the backyard, she is so spirited. American Pit Bull terries get such a bad name because of the negative media attention they constantly receive. There is never a bad dog, just a bad owner.

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