Thursday, October 11, 2012

Washington Pics l

Washington here we come!
Rio and Miss Sunny
Our sweet boy Sandy. Every time we come, Sandy still follows us around everywhere. He is the best boy and takes care of the farm since Ally passed away.
A new addition to the farm.

Rio with his adorable cousins Macy and Dallin. They were so cute with Rio. We love you Dallin and Macy!
Rio was mesmerized by the goats. He would not take his eyes off of them while Auntie Bre fed them.

This was at a gas station... a first for me.

Silly Boy
Smart... Rio Smart

Soccer legs

Our trip to Washington went by way too fast. We got tenants for our Traverse house right before we planned on leaving for Washington. We had two days to move all our stuff out and into the Millcreek garage (house was still being remodeled) before heading out. We needed to get to WA for Adria's heart surgery in three days (two days to move, one day to drive!). It was a bit stressful to say the least! Thankfully, Ashton and Todd were able to help get some of our stuff out after we left. Ashton has the best story about getting Buster from the backyard :)
It was so nice having everyone meet Rio for the first time. I was so out of it from the move and drive that I did not get a lot of pictures. Gabe has some on her computer that I will post next. 

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